Spending a little time most days on your important but not urgent or major projects and/or improving your skills is often enough to dramatically improve your overall results compared to spending no time at all.
On the other hand, small leaks of time and energy can have a greater negative impact than people realize. Those ten minutes you spend looking for the keys or answering an email that did not need an immediate response is inconsequential in itself. However, many of these instances can disrupt your flow, reinforce a negative sense of identity and generally undermine your energy. When you create systems (e.g. reducing unnecessary decisions, streamlining and simplifying tasks, clustering, automating, outsourcing, or using checklists) that address small time/energy leaks, you experience benefits of mental clarity in doing so that far outweigh the time savings.
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Derechos Reservados por Quality Accent
Sitio Realizado por Jorge García
Derechos Reservados por Quality Accent Sitio Realizado por Jorge García