In the industry we have thousands of different indicators and these depend on the type of industry, but for the most part they are all very similar. We measure productivity, quality, cost, etc. Measuring the performance of an organization has become something very well known and established and it is due to these metrics, that measuring the performance of people within an organization has also become something recurrent and well established. However, organizations have lost sight of how they have been able to successfully implement or simply are not interested in measuring the human qualities of the individuals who work there.
How do they measure the confidence that can be had in an individual?, how do they measure the human quality of the person?, how do they measure in general the level of leadership?, what do they want in the industry?, what do the individuals that work within a company look for?, a boss that seeks to achieve the objectives above all things regardless of the deals and no matter how toxic it may be or a boss that knows how to mediate and generate an environment where individuals can be self-motivated and can give their best to achieve those objectives?
Simon Sinek makes a fairly simple analysis in this regard. Quality Accent recommends clicking on the photo to be guided to the video on YouTube where he explains this in detail.
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Derechos Reservados por Quality Accent
Sitio Realizado por Jorge García
Derechos Reservados por Quality Accent Sitio Realizado por Jorge García